As said, Groove Agent SE is probably your best bet if you want to stick with Cubase plugins. Yeah people have been asking for a basic Simpler like sampler for a while. There might also be a new “simple” sampler coming up in Cubase 9, but that is speculation. It’s easier to use and more powerful imo, so i would look into that if the included Groove Agent doesn’t do it for you. Personally, i’m using Vengeance Phalanx, now. You have to judge yourself if the full version is worth it for you. The basic version that ships with cubase features hot swap via Finder/Explorer load files dialogue. There’s a browser integrated into the full version of Groove Agent, which also features hot swap. You have to browse for the sample in Media Bay/Finder/Explorer, though (or drag them from the project, if already placed on a track). Additional layers of samples can be added to the same pad, including ADSR and such. You put your sample on the “C3” pad and activate the mode, where you can play the sample across the keyboard range, if needed. for a snare sound, including possible samples for layering). The best i can recommend is using one Groove Agent instance per sound (eg. Is there someone who has advice for these things? I really hope to improve my workflow with these things and I just cant imagine that there isnt a solution for this! I do miss something that works like a simple sampler with an adsr-envelope and pitching fucntions that I can use as a midicontroller in the pianoroll. I find this process quite time-consuming and Im looking for a better way to find and load in samples (in FL Studio I had a map that had all the samples in it and I knew where each sample was and what I needede).Īlso I wanted to use Grooveagent as a midicontroller primararily for things like drums, but it seemed that I have to purchase that sidely from Cubase to get the best out of it.

From what I know now in cubase is that you first have to search them via Mediabay and load them in an audiotrack.

Now, what I always liked in FL Studio is that it was very easy and quick to load in samples and edit them (with ADSR, layering methods). I just bought Cubase a few weeks ago bc I felt I needed something with more possibilities, as well as something I can work with video. Ever since I started to produce music I worked with FL Studio.