About 10 years! The original first 2 games were written and developed by Remedy, who brought you Alan Wake and more recently the famous Control. It took a long time for Max Payne to receive a third episode – it came out in 2013. Max Payne 2, released in 2003 was more of the same, albeit with better graphics, and the introduction of robust physics, that made enemies fall in more realistic ways after being shot. I won’t give you any spoiler since you may want to play it one day. He goes on a quest to find out what really happened and why his family was murdered. Max Payne is then hunted by cops, and criminals behind the Valkyr drug. Things go wrong and Alex is suddenly killed, and Max is framed for his murder. After 3 years of working on the case, Max and his pal Alex go undercover to bust a Valkyr deal. Max Payne, a cop in the NYPD, returns home one day to find his wife and baby daughter murdered at the hands of drug addicts, high on a designer drug called Valkyr. Not familiar with the original Max Payne? Let me fix that for you. And a good story with clever writing at that. The influence of comics is felt throughout the games too: the story was told through comic panels with voice-over between each level. Instead, you were given super fast reflexes that let you shoot enemies before they had time to react. This trick made Max Payne stand out from other shooters: you had an unfair advantage, not in the shape of a much larger health bar.